North Lincoln Sanitary Service offers garbage, recycling, and mixed compost service to residents and businesses of the North Lincoln County, Oregon area. Our sanitation service areas include Lincoln City, Depoe Bay, Otis, and Northern Lincoln County. Our family serving your family since 1965.
Monday - Thursday, 8am to 5pm
Friday, 8am to 4pm
Recycling Center
Monday - Friday, 8am to 5pm
1st Sat of month, 10am to 1pm
Schooner Creek Refuse Transfer Station
Monday - Saturday, 8am to 4pm
1726 SE Hwy 101
Lincoln City, OR 97367
Phone: (541) 994-5555
Fax: (541) 994-5525
Recycling Center
1726 SE Hwy 101
Lincoln City, OR 97367
Phone: (541) 994-5555
Located just south of the Lincoln City Outlets.
Schooner Creek Refuse Transfer Station
288 S. Anderson Creek Rd.
Lincoln City, OR 97367
Phone: (541) 994-5555
Fax: (541) 994-5525