Food Waste Prevention

April 01, 2024

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Happy Food Waste Prevention Week! As a partner of this organization, we wanted to share some Super Fridge Tips to help keep your food ripe and edible for as long as possible.

Wondering what you can do to help prevent food waste this week?

🍏Save leftovers and store/freeze food in portion-ready containers
🍐Cook only what is needed for that meal
🥦Make one night a weekly “leftover” night to empty the refrigerator before shopping again
🥒Audit what you throw away; it will influence your next shopping trip
🥑Keep kitchen essentials on hand (grains, spices, sauces) that bring new life to old meals
🥝Freeze ripe fruits and vegetables for baking, cooking and filling in gaps in recipes
🥬Compost in your Mixed Compost roll cart or your at-home compost bin

We'd love to hear some of your favorite food waste prevention tips! Leave a comment down below to share.