Join us for a tour of Georgia Pacific’s Juno facility in Toledo, OR 🏭
The process starts at the Dahl Transfer Station where they shred the household garbage to prepare it for processing. The material is then compacted into bales. These shredded garbage bales go to the Juno facility to be processed.
At Juno, these bales are put into the Juno autoclave, which is similar to a pressure cooker. It heats the garbage to 270° inside the autoclave to kill the pathogens, and it turns the garbage into a pulp.
This pulp is then screened in the autoclave trommel where the paper fiber from the garbage falls through the small holes. That fiber is then taken to the Georgia Pacific mill to be made into more paper products. Non-fiber material is captured and either landfilled or recycled, like steel and aluminum.
Currently, Juno’s facility is capturing 50% of material from garbage to be reused in paper products. Because this is just a R&D facility, they hope to use the data from Juno to capture up to 90% at future facilities.
North Lincoln Sanitary Service is excited to be hauling to Juno in 2024, when we are able to separate construction & demolition debris (not accepted at Juno) from residential garbage (accepted at Juno) at our new Schooner Creek Transfer Station.
Thanks for following along on the tour!