Yes, We Recycle That!

February 20, 2024

Do you have broken or old electronics that are collecting dust in your home? Look no further - You can recycle them all with North Lincoln Sanitary Service!

We can pick up the larger items at your doorstep or you can bring them to us. We pick up scrap metal every Friday and bulky items (items less than 50% metal) on Wednesday. Scrap metal is a $10 flat charge for pickup and any refrigerated appliances have a $20 flat charge. Just call our office (541-994-5555) or go on our website/app to schedule and receive a quote.

The Recycling Center (1726 SE Hwy 101): accepts scrap metal, all electronics, and non-refrigerated appliances free of charge. Refrigerated appliances are accepted for a charge.

The Schooner Creek Public Transfer Station (367 S Anderson Creek Rd) takes scrap metal and non-refrigerated appliances free of charge. Refrigerated appliances are accepted for a charge.

Let us know if you have any questions!