Sustainable Fun Facts

August 21, 2024


We asked the leadership team at North Lincoln Sanitary Service their sustainable fun fact. Here are their answers!

Matt Klaudt (Shop Manager): Aluminum cans can be recycled over and over again. The life cycle of a typical aluminum drink is just 60 days from being recycled into a new one and put back on the shelf.

Lon French (General Manager): The U.S. annually recycles enough iron and steel (also known as ferrous metals) scrap metal to build a 9,000 ft. bridge. You could build 900 Golden Gate Bridges with that amount of metal!

Tina French (President): Recycling in the U.S. has grown by 300% in the last 41 years. The average person creates about 5 lbs. of trash per day, but their recycling habits have changed and Americans have now recycled almost 94 million tons of waste since 1983.

Lexi Howell (Sustainability Coordinator): Cardboard can be recycled at least 7 times. It's used to make new packaging boxes, types of paper, furniture, and is a very simple commodity to recycle.

Dayton Mays (Operations Manager): One ton of natural resources are saved for every one ton of glass recycled. Glass can also be recycled endlessly with no loss in purity making it the hero of recyclable materials!